Dental Implants

  • Your dental implants in Vacavilleare placed and restored at our office, so there’s no need to visit an outside specialist for your procedure.
  • Discover several implant options based on your personal needs, including mini implants to stabilize your dentures at a reduced cost.
  • You’ll feel totally at ease with the help of our experienced dental team. We can offer you sedation if you need helping easing your nerves.

Gain New Teeth & New Confidence With Dental Implants in Vacaville

If you are missing several or all of your teeth, it’s important to have replacement teeth that feel and function like the real thing. With dental implants in Vacaville, you can smile and laugh with confidence and enjoy all your favorite foods again. These artificial tooth roots act just like your natural teeth roots to provide a solid foundation for your new teeth. As a result, you can:

  • Enjoy a strong bite with no more dietary restrictions
  • Avoid a sunken cheeked look
  • Maintain your jawbone health and stop bone loss
  • Keep the same oral care habits you had before
  • Feel confident about your new, youthful smile
  • Experience a lifetime of better oral health


It’s never too late to get the smile you’ve always wanted! To get started, call us today at 707-607-8063 to schedule a consultation.

Get Your Smile Back With Implant Options

With a 95 percent success rate, implants are a wonderful solution to your missing teeth. Unlike some dentists, we can place and restore your implants right here at our practice. When we place the implants in your jaw, they will fuse to your jawbone so your replacement teeth have a strong structure. Depending on your situation, we may recommend an oral surgery procedure that can prepare your jaw and mouth for the implants, such as a bone graft or ridge augmentation.

We will work with you on which of our implants is your ideal solution. Our options include:

  • All-on-4® Dental Implants – We place four implants in your jaw to support a complete arch of teeth. Because it’s fewer implants, you have a shorter healing time and it’s a less invasive procedure than other implant procedures involving many teeth.
  • All-on-6 Dental Implants – Based on your jawbone health, we may recommend using six implants instead of four to support your new teeth.
  • Implant-Retained Dentures – These dentures can be removed. However, you get the improved support and other benefits of implants.
  • Implant-Supported Dentures – These dentures are fixed to the implants, so they can only be removed by a dentist. This gives you a natural bite, and you can take care of your teeth with simple brushing and flossing.
  • Mini Dental Implants – These are a good choice for stabilizing your dentures, but at a more budget-friendly cost.
  • Full Mouth Reconstruction – If you need to repair extensive dental damage, we’ll work with you on a treatment plan that will give you back a fully functioning set of new teeth.
  • Implant Crowns – You can replace a single lost tooth with a dental crown attached to an implant. As with any implant procedure, your teeth will look and feel natural and you won’t suffer bone loss in your jaw.
  • Implant Bridges – Dental implants can also be used to support a bridge, to fill gaps left by several missing teeth.


We use our advanced technology to ensure a successful procedure, like our 3-D scanner and computer-guided technology to place your implants. If you are feeling nervous, we can offer dental sedation with laughing gas so you feel completely at ease.

Enjoy life again with a complete set of natural feeling and functioning teeth. For dental implants in Vacaville, call us today at 707-607-8063 for an appointment. You can also schedule online.

Prepare Your Mouth for an Implant Procedure

In order to have a successful implant procedure, we may need to prepare your jawbone for dental implants. This is usually necessary if you have experienced significant bone loss as a result of missing teeth. We may recommend:

  • Ridge Augmentation – We’ll usually perform this procedure after an extraction to avoid bone loss. We’ll add material to the area where you’ve lost your tooth to keep your bone structure intact. This will help support your dental implants.
  • Sinus Lifts – If you need implants on your upper jaw but don’t have enough existing structure for implants, a sinus lift will add bone to the upper jaw area.
  • Bone Graft – If you have experienced bone loss in your jaw, this is another procedure that will add new bone to your jaw.

Dental Implants in Vacaville

These procedures are fairly common, and with our expertise with placing and restoring implants, you have nothing to worry about. Schedule an appointment with Center for Contemporary Dentistry in Vacaville today!